More Than 100 Patients Treated Using ExacTrac Dynamic® Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Workflow at the Institut de Radiothérapie du Sud de l’Oise – Amethyst Radiothérapie in Creil, France

An important milestone in the implementation of a set of high precision radiotherapy treatment techniques
The Institut de Radiothérapie du Sud de l’Oise (IRSO) – Amethyst Radiothérapie announced today that more than 100 cancer patients have already benefited from deep inspiration breath hold treatments with Brainlab ExacTrac Dynamic® since its installation in April 2022. ExacTrac Dynamic® enables a high-precision, integrated workflow for pre-positioning, positioning and monitoring of patients in deep inspiration breath hold.
“Deep inspiration breath hold is a technique that provides reliable and reproducible treatment based on respiratory movements. For breast cancer radiotherapy, this technique can also help reduce cardiac toxicity by moving the heart away from the chest wall,” said Dr. Andres Huertas, radiation oncologist at IRSO.
The ExacTrac Dynamic® positioning and monitoring system, developed and commercialized by the German company Brainlab, a pioneer in digital medical technology, combines surface imaging and the thermal signature of each patient, enriched by low dose radiological images. This allows clinicians to take advantage of information based on internal anatomy and can help increase the accuracy of treatment and the confidence of clinical teams.
“The combination of surface and radiographic guidance techniques, specific to ExacTrac Dynamic, provides patients with high precision positioning and monitoring accuracy throughout the treatment,” confirmed Pierre-Alexandre Rigaud, medical physicist at IRSO.
In the specific context of the deep inspiration breath hold workflow, this correlation between external and internal information allows teams to verify the patient’s correct posture and thus confirm that the heart is outside the path of the radiation beam. “The possibility of treating patients with deep inspiration breath hold offers us broader therapeutic perspectives as it can reduce the dose to healthy organs such as the heart and lungs,” added Dr. Pierre Maroun, radiation oncologist at IRSO.
Sébastien Chartier, radiotherapy technician, in charge of patients and their proper positioning during the session, commented: “Patients are reassured by the idea of treatment with a modern irradiation technique that reduces the risk of side effects. Moreover, this technique can help patients to feel more involved in their treatment because it is the quality of their breath hold inspiration that allows for optimal irradiation of their cancer.”
In April 2022, Brainlab installed the latest version of the ExacTrac Dynamic® system in Creil and since then, the system has benefited patients in the southern Oise region for a wide variety of indications. These new techniques include high-precision frameless cranial and spinal stereotactic radiotherapy, enabling ablative treatments with minimal target margins in a greatly reduced number of sessions.
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About Amethyst Radiothérapie
Amethyst Radiothérapie is a private group of cancer treatment centers for radiotherapy, brachytherapy or chemotherapy. The European group, created in 2010, has been present on the French territory since 2014. We combine the experience of leading cancer experts with the most advanced and recent techniques to offer our patients a world-class treatment. The Amethyst Group is present in 6 European countries: Austria, France, Italy, Poland, Romania and the UK.
In France, 150 employees treat more than 5,000 patients per year with a dozen treatment linear accelerators.
Amethyst centers have invested in high-performance radiotherapy equipment and we work with experienced specialists and multiple collaborators around the world.
We care for our patients and offer personalized treatments to deliver comprehensive cancer care. We work in a rapidly changing and technology-intensive field, so innovation is at the heart of our business.
For more information, please visit Amethyst Radiation Therapy and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.