Optimization of Planning and Processes for Cranial and Spinal Indications

Brainlab will be showcasing the new Elements Cranial and Spine SRS* software at this year’s Annual Congress of the Spanish Radiosurgery Society (SER) in Granada. Elements Cranial SRS* is a unique application that optimizes the treatment planning process for indications including AVM, pituitary adenoma, vestibular schwannoma, meningioma and large metastases. These indication-specific and intelligent workflows automate planning so caregivers can spend more time with patients and less time on technology. To achieve excellent dose planning and metrics and a highly conformal dose for spine, an algorithm of the new Elements Spine SRS* internally breaks down planning target volumes into a number of smaller targets. Consequently, the dose to the spinal cord can be minimized and, in doing so, potentially improve patient outcomes. We look forward to giving you a live software demonstration of these latest Elements at SER booth #2+3.
*Work in progress