A New Approach to Knee Surgery

Brainlab presents Knee 3, an innovative navigation software to support knee replacement surgeries. Knee 3 impresses with fast and easy usage and the Balance Graph introduces a revolutionary way to assess soft tissue by allowing for real-time assessment of the knee as a complete kinematic structure, predicting final joint stability during every step of surgery. The continuously updated graph measures and charts the range of motion of the entire knee joint based on the actual geometry of the selected implant model, which may help to reduce the need for recuts or multiple releases. Also new this year: TraumaCad® Mobile, the new version of our powerful digital orthopedic templating software. TraumaCad Mobile enables flexible and independent planning as an iPad App, and Mac and PC web browsers. TraumaCad Mobile is the first mobile solution for pre-operative orthopedic surgical planning to receive FDA clearance.
Visit Brainlab at Booth #4232 to learn more about Knee 3 and TraumaCad Mobile and interact with our full orthopedic portfolio.