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Download iPlan RT 4.5.8 – Viewer

iPlan RT 4.5.8 – Viewer is a limited version of iPlan RT that can be used to view and export treatment plans saved with iPlan RT Dose in Brainlab’s xbrain data format.

The software is available free of charge for all our iPlan RT customers and can be installed with any available hardware.

Tested operating systems:

  • Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2 64bit, Windows Server 2016 Standard, Windows Server 2019 Standard
  • Ensure the operating system is receiving security updates

The Installation Manual and the Clinical User Guide can be found here.

For further support please contact Brainlab Support.

Please fill out the form to download the iPlan RT 4.5.8

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    The software is available for download here. We will send you an email with the password to unzip the file to %email% within the next few minutes.