Header Background Image: Brainlab Connected Care - Service & Support

Brainlab Connected CareStay seamlessly
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Service & Support

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The support you need at your fingertips

Brainlab Connected Care is a comprehensive remote solution that digitally connects you, your Brainlab equipment and our Brainlab Service & Support experts in a secure, fast and effective way. Enabling us to deliver the highest standard of service in the most economical way, Brainlab Connected Care is our core Service & Support technology and a key component of every Brainlab solution.

Brainlab Connected Care services

Get connected!

Brainlab Connected Care offers you instant support. Whether you need guidance or immediate assistance, our remote team is there for you.

A surgeon operating with Brainlab technology - Illustration for Brainlab Connected Care, Service & Support

How to get connected

If your devices aren’t yet remotely connected, please contact your Brainlab representative who can set up Brainlab Connected Care in a few minutes.


More about Brainlab Connected Care

Flyer General Information

Flyer Technical Information