Brainlab Environmental Program
Together we have made good green progress in our programs since beginning in September 2016:
Energy and Water Management
In September 2018 the photovoltaic system was inaugurated in the Brainlab Headquarters. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) level Gold certified building, counts now with a system with rated capacity of 240,240 KWp.
The BrainHub follows the HQ standards with renewable energy provider and automatic switches for energy saving.
Permanent contractors of Brainlab are informed and involved in the environmental consciousness of our business. The restaurant, cleaning company, security, Gym and building management receive and provide constructive feedback for performance improvement, energy and water saving.
Waste Management
Brainlab implemented considerably improved waste separation in the Headquarters offices, restaurant, kitchens and cafés.
Through the past year, the cleaning company worked together with the employees to achieve higher rates of separation and recycled materials.
A digital user guide portal was released in July 2017 covering various products with the aim to reduce printing.
Health and Safety
Brainlab designed and maintains for employees a gym based on functional training with personal trainers.
The concept supports Brainlab employees in living and working in a healthy manner. Dedicated personal for Health and Safety topics has been added to the team.
Eco Design
Brainlab has implemented new criteria for developing environmentally conscious products.
New environmental product specific targets have been set for packaging design.