Contributing to the
Brainlab companies’
data-driven ecosystem
Snke OS develops an open framework to enable med tech companies to develop and deploy medical software, from data management all the way to surgical applications more efficiently.
A secure and patient-privacy preserving architecture orchestrates data collection and processing with scalability across on-premise servers and cloud environments. This by-pass to the EMR-system serves as the hospital’s data-hub for analytics and other advanced applications.
Third party software may easily leverage anatomical patient mapping, adding anatomical and functional context to diagnostic images through powerful APIs. Universal edge devices with minimal footprint in the O.R., built around powerful central servers with open interfaces, grant broad access and utility to third parties, from tapping into legacy screens all the way to building blocks for navigation systems. Frameworks for tracking, visualization, video analysis and telepresence support this infrastructure, linking the digital world with the physical environment in the operating theater.
Facts & Figures
We’re constantly innovating our flexible and secure software platform for the growing healthcare data ecosystem, adding our AI services that enable API-driven development, and consequently facilitate our partners to realize their digital health strategies.