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Do you want to join Brainlab but the perfect position for you isn’t currently open? Join our Talent Pool! We’ll review your submission and contact you as soon as a position that fits your profile opens up.
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How we hire
We are committed to providing applicants with the best experience when they apply for a job at Brainlab. After all, you may be walking the halls or representing us in your region soon, so we’re going to show you how valuable you are from get-go! Generally speaking, the process can involve a discovery call, video interview and/or personal interview and further assessment rounds to determine that you’re the right fit at Brainlab.
1. Submit application
Check out our open opportunities and apply online. Didn’t find the position you were hoping for? Sign up for our Talent Pool so we can access your application for future positions.
2. Discovery call
As a first step, we’ll have a telephone interview. This call is a chance to discover a little more about you and clarify any open questions you may have. If it’s a success, we’ll get back to you about next steps within two weeks.
3. Assessment Round
If the role requires specific technical skills, you’ll likely to be invited to an assessment round before or after the discovery call. Depending on the position, you may be asked to complete specific tasks to test your skill.
4. Face-to-face Interview
If you’ve done well in the previous rounds, it’s time for a personal or video interview. We’ll ask you competency-based and technical questions, if applicable, and answer any queries you have about the role and company.
5. Leadership Interview
Depending on the role, you may also be asked to join an interview with our leadership, like a member of our General Management team.

Note to Recruitment Agencies. Brainlab does not accept speculative CVs.