
Brainlab Incorporates Arc Trajectory Optimization in Next Generation Cranial Radiosurgery Software

New algorithm creates patient-specific arc trajectories by penalizing geometric collisions with critical structures and rewarding steep dose gradients

Washington, DC, 2016年7月29日

Brainlab, a global leader in medical technology, will showcase innovations for the complete radiosurgery process, including arc trajectory optimization, at this year’s AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine) Annual Meeting, July 31 – August 4 in Washington, DC.

A 4Pi algorithm developed at Dalhousie University, Canada, and licensed exclusively to Brainlab, will support personalized treatment planning in the upcoming Brainlab Elements Cranial SRS software*. Used during the trajectory-based treatment planning phase, 4Pi is designed to reduce radiation dose to organs at risk without compromising target coverage or treatment times.

“Incorporating the 4Pi algorithm into the next generation of Brainlab cranial radiosurgery software can further increase the precision and efficiency of the treatments we offer,” commented Stefan Vilsmeier, President and CEO, Brainlab. “From planning to delivery, we strive to optimize the entire radiosurgery process.”

Visit Brainlab booth #4071 and take part in the Novalis Circle Dinner Symposium on opening night at AAPM to discover the latest technologies and techniques in the treatment of primary and secondary brain tumors.

For more information and to register, visit AAPM2016.

*This product is not available for sale and will not be available until all applicable approvals have been obtained.


Brainlab creates software-driven med tech digitizing, automating and optimizing clinical workflows. Serving physicians, medical professionals and patients in 6700 hospitals in 127 countries, we’re transforming healthcare to improve the lives of patients everywhere. We employ over 2400 people in 25 locations worldwide. Visit and follow: Brainlab, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.